Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2019

Establishing a Nurse Led Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Phone Clinic. Keeping men empowered with supportive care. (#393)

Judy Jeffery 1
  1. St George Hospital, Kogarah, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia



Establishing a Nurse led Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) phone clinic for men with advanced prostate cancer. Supportive Care, keeping men informed.

Following specialist consultation, the Prostate Cancer Nurse Specialist (PCNS) spends time reviewing men with advanced cancer who may not need to be seen for their next PSA blood result. Some men struggle physically to attend appointments and others grapple with anxiety waiting for their PSA results, especially those with a previous rise in PSA. Phone interaction with a PCNS can offer a less stressful interaction with a heath professional whilst still ensuring any changes are actioned promptly.

In 2018 a phone PSA clinic was initiated by the PCNS to improve continuity and supportive care to address the individual’s needs. Regular surveillance of PSA levels helps to identify disease recurrence. The clinic concept and verbal consent is discussed, dates for the next blood test are set and they are contacted within three days with their blood result. Eighty men received a call from the PCNS with their PSA blood result, seventy-five men did not require intervention and continued with surveillance. Five men required immediate re staging, urgent consultation and required immediate intervention.

With marked PSA increases, discussion with the consultant ensures and a plan is initiated and if requested staging scans are completed before the next appointment.  The consultant is aware the PCNS will make phone contact with the patient and a full assessment is completed of both physical symptoms and psychosocial wellbeing with appropriate referral ensuring.

In summary, men felt reassured that they did not have to attend a busy clinic and could continue working, travelling or caring for partners. Stress levels were reduced and a comment received was “I feel well informed, my wife is less anxious and I can be away riding my motor bike”.