Ian Olver
Professor Ian Olver AM MD PhD
Ian Olver AM MD PhD is a medical oncologist, cancer researcher and bioethicist. He is currently Co-ordinator of the Master of Bioethics at The University of Notre Dame Australia and Adjunct Professor, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide. His previous roles have included CEO, Cancer Council Australia and Clinical Director, Royal Adelaide Hospital Cancer Centre and he has been a President of MOGA (Medical Oncology Group of Australia) and MASCC (Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer). He previously chaired the Australian Health Ethics Committee of NHMRC. His major research interests which have resulted in over 370 publications are supportive care in cancer and psycho-oncology. He received Membership of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2011 “For service to medical oncology as a clinician, researcher, administrator and mentor, and to the community through leadership roles with cancer control organisations.”
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